5ENSE is an interstitial space - an “in-between”, compressing and releasing users as they journey and navigate through the site. Informed by the history of the site and vicinity, 5ENSE plays on the rigidity of woolstore layouts juxtaposed against the fluidity of the wool which it housed. It also pays homage to the ports which once existed in the area - a transitory space for ships.
5ENSE aims to create a sensory and bodily experience - one which goes beyond the exhibition space and flows into the entirety of the building. This experience is designed to become more abstract as users journey vertically.
As users move upwards, the journey to the in-between becomes more apparent. The pinnacle - the third floor, is reserved for accommodation guests only. The communal spaces on the third floor offer experiences which go against the status quo of hotel stays. The rooms however, are a respite back into familiarity.
Welcome to 5ENSE.