'Exhibition Design.'
The quietus is an exhibition representing the devastating effects of industrial factory farming on the lives of billions of animals each year, and the detrimental impact it leaves on our environment. The space aims to highlight the repression and injustice faced by factory farm animals - a product of industrialisation, and the little value placed on their lives all in pursuit of efficiency and monetary profit.
Users journey through the space, not as humans, but through the eyes of the animal. A narrow entrance threshold imitates the claustrophobic conditions on factory farms - balsa wood battens protrude downwards from the roof to accentuate this experience. These battens gradually blacken and ahead, a charred silhouette of the circular space can be seen, animal cries echoing. Upon entering this large, open and ominous space, information and images are projected onto the inner facade. Users realise that this space is the animal's final release from life, an end to its suffering. A haunting and resonating experience.